Bethesda Youth Group (BYG)
Grades 6-12
A Vision for Young People, Presbyterian Church (USA)
In the midst of a beautiful and broken world, we have a vision for ministry with young people that unites youth in Christ with all other generations and proclaims the love of God without end. This vision gives us hope for a Church that:
- Is authentic, made up of communities of faith that live what they proclaim.
- Participates in, and pays witness to, the lively, joyful reality of the grace of God for the whole world.
- Helps young people to understand what it means to be saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that they will, as God does, view all people with love and possibility.
- Expresses God’s boundless love by embracing young people as they are, where they are, and where they could be, inspiring them to share their ideas, dreams and unique gifts with the world and the church.
- Acknowledges and celebrates youth as the keepers of God’s world, capable of serving as agents of healing, friends to the friendless, and leaders along the path of Jesus.
- Encourages young people to live and lead with humility, but also with confidence and joy.
- Accepts that it may be changed, even re-made, through the power of the Spirit and by the youth’s energy, freshness and vitality.
Youth Group Misson

Meals & Devotions
Summer Activities
In addition to activities such as Christian rock concerts, ballgames, and amusements parks, our youth have an opportunity to participate in several fantastic retreats! Our High School youth attend the Montreat Youth Conference, and our Middle School youth attend the Massanetta Middle School Conference.
Contact us to get involved!
Youth Devotional: "A Minute with Henster"
September 22, 2021
Fall has finally arrived and it is bringing in some rain and thunder. Hope everyone is having a good week.
This week’s readings were Genesis Ch. 1-2, the Creation Story. Before we get started, grab a pen and a note book. Yes each of the youth got a notebook to keep notes. This will also help you to remember things. As you read, jot down things that are important and things you that jump out at you. The first question is, who wrote the book of Genesis? Moses. I am guessing while Moses was up on Mt. Siani, God was instructing him to what to write.
In the beginning God created... (Gen. 1:1), those 5 words say it all. Now what did God create the heavens and the earth. Ok, grab your pen and notebook.
Next week readings Genesis 3-5, when sin and temptation enters the picture. Do you really know what happens afterwards? You get two weeks to read these chapters and it never hurts to go back or read ahead.
Keep Your Light Shining!!!