Welcome to Bethesda Presbyterian Church

With open arms and open hearts, Bethesda Presbyterian Church extends a sincere and warm welcome to anyone who is seeking to grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with Jesus. Please join us for fellowship, worship, study and service, as we seek to be God's salt and light in our world. Everyone is welcome!

Valentines Luncheon

You're invited to our Valentine's Luncheon, sponsored by Bethesda's Men of the Church.

Sunday, February 16th 
Following Worship Service

RSVP today with names of who will attend, 910-944-1319 or email the church office.
$25 for men 
No cost for women and children
Everyone is invited!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper!

Join us for our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! We will have pancakes, sausage, a Kings Cake and games!

Tuesday, March 4th
6 - 7 pm 
Bethesda Fellowship Hall

If you would like to bring something please click here to view the sign up genius.

Table of 6, New Groups Forming Now

Table of 6, Meet New People at Bethesda Presbyterian
You are invited to participate in Table of 6, a fun, casual way to meet new friends at Bethesda! The Fellowship Committee is once again organizing groups of six people who will meet once a month for food and fellowship. Once a group is determined, each group/couple will take a month to host a meal and prepare the main dish, with each guest bringing a side, salad, or dessert. The group could also meet at a restaurant or at church if the calendar permits. This would ideally be a time to get to know each other, share good food and laughs, and maybe even play a game if the group is so inclined. Once everyone has taken turns as host, new groups would be organized. The first round of groups went exceptionally well. If you have questions, please contact LoJuanna Pages at 910-638-1866. Click here to sign up!

2025 Scholarship Applications


It's time to apply!  Scholarships are awarded on the basis of Christian character, academic excellence, and financial need. Scholarships offered include the Westcott and Miriam Burlingame Scholarship, and the Neill M. McKeithen Scholarship. 

Click here to download the application.

Print and return completed application in-person or via U.S. post to:

Bethesda Presbyterian Church
Attn: Scholarship Committee
1002 N. Sandhills Blvd., Aberdeen, NC 28315 

 Applications are due no later than March 31, 2025. Recipients will be notified in writing by June.

Congratulations to Kay and Jim Mack, Receipients of the Charlie Berger Award!

Kay & Jim Mack
Looking Ahead at Bethesda...

Feb.13th: Bethesda Christian Crafters, 1 pm - 4 pm

Feb. 16th: Valentine's Luncheon, following worship

Feb. 21st: Faith Weaving Friends, 5:30 pm - 7 pm

Mar. 2nd: Family Fun Night, 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Mar. 4th: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, 6 pm - 7 pm


Sunday School - breakfast at 9:15 am in the fellowship hall, classes start at 10 am.

Handbells Practice Wednesday’s at 5 pm

Choir Rehearsal Wednesday's at 6 pm

View our Photogallery
View photos from our latest events in our photo gallery.
Bethesda Presbyterian Church Photo Gallery