Presbyterian Women Bethesda Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Women, Building Community & Making a Difference

Presbyterian Women is a church-wide organization whose membership is open to all women. Its members are those who choose to participate in, or be supportive of Presbyterian Women in any way.

Presbyterian Women, Bethesda Presbyterian Church

What is Presbyterian Women’s Purpose?

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to:

  • Nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study
  • Support the mission of the Church worldwide
  • Work for justice and peace
  • Build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom

What is a "Circle"?

Presbyterian Women, Young Women's Circle, Bethesda Presbyterian ChurchMembers of Presbyterian Women in the congregation are organized into small groups called “Circles” that meet regularly to provide an inclusive, caring community of women and to foster relationships. A Circle is where faith is nurtured and growth takes place through worship, study, fellowship and outreach. It is where women are challenged to stretch beyond their limits, move beyond the safe places of life to reach out to others, and where Christian leadership is born. Circles are an integral part of the Presbyterian Women (PW) and are encouraged to use PW resources to strengthen and enrich this community of faith.

At Bethesda our Circles meet monthly from September - May and are centered around a Bible Study lesson book. Not only do Circles serve as an avenue for deepening your relationship with God, they are often a time of fun and fellowship that members look forward to and enjoy.

Friendship Circle: Meets on the second Monday of the month at 10am in the Jesse Wimberly Room. Carolyn Burns is the moderator and Kay Mack is the Bible Study Leader.

Martha’s Circle: Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the Parlor. Nancy High is the Circle moderator.

Young Women’s Circle: Meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the Blue Sunday School Room. Mary Katherine White is the Circle moderator and leads the Bible Study.

Circle #4: Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am in the Parlor. Linda Parke is the Circle moderator.

Local and World-Wide Mission Support

Presbyterian Women collect two special offerings each year:

  1. The “Birthday Offering” is collected each spring and goes to support no more than three predetermined projects, which benefit women in our country and around the world.
  2. The “Thank Offering” is collected in the fall and is used for a number of smaller projects. 33% of the Thank Offering supports health ministries.

Other Offerings throughout the year include the Fellowship of the Least Coin, the Blanket Fund, the CROP Walk, Two-Cents-A-Meal, and United Church Women. Presbyterian Women also participate in other church and community services such as Christmas Adopt-a-Family, Food Bank, meals for bereaved and sick church families, Friend-to-Friend, and the Craft Fair which benefits Moore County Free Clinic. To learn more about Presbyterian Women or how you can get involved, contact the church office: 910-944-1319.

Friend to Friend
Bethesda Presbyterian Women have chosen "Friend to Friend" as a benevolence to focus on this year. The circle women are collecting items to donate. If you have any question about Friend to Friend's mission or donations, please contact Leslie Champion. Donation bins are inside the breezeway at the church office.
Presbyterian Women
Friend to Friend Donation List
  1. Unused and unopened makeup
  2. Lotion
  3. Nail Polish
  4. Costume Jewelry
  5. Knick Knacks
  6. Portable Shower Caddies
  7. Cleaning Supplies (Clorox/Lysol Wipes)
  8. Liquid Dish Detergent
  9. Trash Bags / Paper Towels / Toilet Paper
  10. Swiffer Mop Refills and Pads
  11. Diaper Genie Bags / Baby Wipes
  12. Gift Cards for Gas or Groceries