Sunday School at Bethesda Presbyterian Church

Jesse Wimberly Class - Utilizes The Present Word curriculum series to facilitate instruction and discussion. The class meets in the Jesse Wimberly room and is led by Cy Israel.

The Seeker's Class - Currently studying the Gospel of John, this class studies and discusses how they can apply God’s Word together. The class meets in the Seeker's room and is led by Kay Mack.

Parlor Class - Studies books of the Bible and theological books to gain a deeper understanding of the Word and how it applies. The class meets in the Parlor and is led by Pastor Priddy and Travis Driggers.

Youth Class (6th-12th grades) -Studies different books of the Bible, comparing and contrasting stories and characters. The class meets in the Youth room and is led by Henry Hogan.

Upper Elementary Class (1st - 5th grades) - Utilizes lectionary-based lessons while keeping the children engaged in the lesson through crafts, games and fun. They meet in the blue room with by Teddi Garren and Nancy Dearborn.

Lower Elementary Class (Age 3 yrs - K) - Utilizes "Growing in Grace & Gratitude" to teach foundational Bible knowledge. Children enjoy crafts, games and imaginative play to learn and reinforce lessons. They meet in the yellow room with Brittany Driggers, Georgia Proctor, Mary Katherine White & Hannah Ough.

Watch the "Jonah" Sunday School Study
Episode 2
Episode 3